Sunday, May 8, 2011

Geografía y Clima

Algunas cuestiones preliminares sobre
Xa-Ar y Saralis (NW Jaiman)
Northern Hempisphere

1 year = 350 days
1 year = 5 months
1 month = 70 days (Orhan)
1 month = 7 weeks
1 week = 10 days (Varin)

1 Winter, 2 Spring, 3 Summer, 4 Autumn, 5 Fall
Autumn: Hottest weather at start of month followed by a gradual cooling.

Considerar Skills:
Astronomy, Essaence Lore
en menor medida: Geography, History, Region Lore, Religion Lore

Surprisingly temperate and steady for such a northerly latitude.
(exempting the westernmost portion of the peninsula and the north coast)
Average temperature in winter is 40°F (4.4 ºC) and for summer 55°F (12.78 ºC).
North coast: temperatures rarely get above freezing except for a few days in the summer.
In winter they often remain below 0° F (-17.78 ºC) for days at a time.

Rainfall: 40 - 60 inches a year.
Late night fogs that linger well into morning occur during summer and early autumn
Furious gales strike many times a year, mostly in the spring and fall.

Summer Days:
Longest Day: the sun rises at the third hour of the Predawn Quintar (3 am)
and sets after the chime of the Fifth (Night) Quintar (7.30 pm).
Full darkness is unknown, because the sun -even when out of sight—is not far below the horizon.
Winter Nights:
New Year: the sun does not rise until the Morning Quintar is nearly over (9 am)
and sets at the end of the Midday Quintar (2 pm) (barely in the sky more than a full Quintar, five hours)

70 - 80 miles south of the Kaldsfang ridge, marshy territory 10 - 30 miles wide
From the ruins of Syrania eastward to the west bank of the Greensnake river.
Mostly deserted, barrier between northern foothills and the southern regions of old Saralis.
Infested with insects, snakes and worse creatures.

Lunarni cover virtually all of the land named for it (Lu’nak) in northern Jaiman.
These trees grow to a height of nearly 500 feet.
Silvery blue bark and blue-green needles.
Much of northern Lu’nak is still blanketed by the majestic coniferous Blue Forest,
while the southern plains are rolling hills, grasslands and moors.

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